· By Annette Ringeisen
A Year of Health Challenges and New Perspectives
This past year has been a challenging one. My husband and I have both faced health issues that have reshaped our daily routines and forced us to take a closer look at how we want to move forward together. It’s been a period of resilience, adjustment, and growth—a rollercoaster of worry, gratitude, and clarity.
Just about a year ago, I received a diagnosis that wasn’t a total surprise but was nonetheless difficult to confront. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), something I’d known was a possibility for over 20 years. While the knowledge of it loomed quietly in the back of my mind, getting an official diagnosis was another experience entirely. It forced me to confront the reality of living with MS day-to-day. Fortunately, I was able to start treatment, and so far, it’s been effective in helping me manage my symptoms. Though MS is a chronic condition that comes with ups and downs, I’m thankful to be feeling stable.
Around the same time, my husband was preparing for knee replacement surgery, a long-awaited procedure that was finally scheduled for January this year. After surgery, he went through the challenging phases of recovery and rehab, but eventually, he regained mobility and strength. It felt like things were settling down, and for a few months, life returned to some semblance of “normal.” But as we discovered, life had more tests in store for us.
When summer came around, my husband was stung by a wasp, which triggered an anaphylactic shock. Watching him in that moment was terrifying; his reaction was severe, and we were both shaken by how close a single sting brought him to serious danger. Afterward, he started experiencing more health issues that we couldn’t ignore. He felt persistently run-down and was having difficulty keeping up with his usual routines.
A cracked tooth revealed itself as the cause of a lingering infection, which we hoped was the culprit behind his low energy. Fortunately, he was able to get treatment sooner than expected, and we thought that would be the end of it. However, even after recovering from the infection, he continued to struggle.
Then, about two weeks ago, his health took a sudden, dramatic turn. His blood pressure spiked so alarmingly high that we decided he go to the ER. After some tests and monitoring, they sent him home with medication to control it, but his symptoms persisted. My husband, who has always had the strength and energy of a bear, wasn’t one to be easily sidelined. But this time, something was clearly wrong.
Early one morning, his fire department pager went off. Volunteering for the fire department or Search & Rescue has been a huge part of his life, something he deeply loves and takes pride in. He got up to respond to the call, as he always does, but he had to pause, suddenly feeling unwell. It was unusual enough for him to consider not going, which I knew was serious in itself. Shortly after, he noticed that his blood pressure had spiked to an alarming 202/90, and he quickly said, “We need to go to the ER.”
The rest of the day blurred together. He was observed and blood test were taken. Finally we moved from our local ER to a larger hospital 1.5 hours away. The next two days in the hospital were tense and exhausting, but they finally revealed the cause: a 90% blockage in one of his arteries. Thankfully, they were able to repair it with a stent, and we could finally exhale knowing that he was in good hands and on the road to recovery.
These experiences have made us realize the importance of slowing down and prioritizing our health, even when life insists on piling on more challenges. We are grateful for the doctors and nurses who helped us, grateful for each other, and grateful for the moments that remind us what really matters. We’ve both been given a wake-up call, a chance to reflect on how we can better care for ourselves and one another moving forward. Life is unpredictable, but through it all, we’re here for each other, facing whatever comes our way.
As a result of everything that’s happened, I’ve decided to pause any new in-person classes for now. This was a difficult decision, especially after seeing so much interest in next year’s sessions, but it’s a choice that allows us the space to establish a new routine and focus on health and family. We’re only given one life, and this past year has shown me how important it is to make the most of it.
To everyone who’s reached out about classes, please know how much your support and enthusiasm mean to me. The online classes will continue as planned, and I hope they’ll offer the inspiration and learning you’re looking for in your needle felting journey. Thank you for walking this woolen path with me—I am so grateful for this community, and I look forward to continuing to share creativity with all of you.
Happy Felting, Annette