· By Annette Ringeisen
A little piece of heaven
We found it in Edenton, North Carolina.
It is breathtakingly beautiful...
Let me tell you a tiny little bit of the backstory. We found Edenton in 2014 when we were living in Pittsboro, NC. We loved it right away but life took us on a detour to California for 5 years. We finally made it here at the beginning of 2019. It took another 2 years for us to buy the beautiful Bloom Farm which we looked at in 2014.
Our daughter, son in law, and their four children are/were occupants in the big farmhouse (I am writing this just a week before their departure) while Kim and I live right behind it in the beautiful cottage. The story is long, a little complicated, and personal, but what has developed in the past few months is that they are moving back to Hawaii where they feel most at home... and because of it Cloth & Twine will be moving from its current downtown location to the first floor of the big farm house. Of course we are sad to see our kids and grandkids leave, but we have raised them to follow their hearts no matter where that takes them (and it's not shabby to have a vacation destination on Hawaii, lol).
Anyway, the farm is a dream, and moving my studio/shop there will open a whole new door. It will allow me to not only teach needle felting, sewing, and knitting, but will be able to do wet-felting, fiber processing, and maybe even dyeing. All of which need access to water and a good amount of space.
Cloth & Twine Downtown is/was so much fun and I love/d being there. Meeting people who are visiting the beautiful town and locals who stop by to say hello were everyday highlights.
Walk-in customers will have a harder time finding me, but while you are in Edenton a fun farm outing (just 3 miles from Edenton's downtown) might be just what you are looking for. A destination to a place of creativity in a peaceful setting where chickens, cats, dogs, and rescue horses are home. I invite you to swing by. Please check the calendar for opening hours and events that will happen.
I am excited and hope to see you there!
Annette (aka Netti)